The Hypnotherapy Landing Page - Client Case Study

How to get more Hypnotherapy clients for Breeze Hypnotherapy 

Dee from Breeze Hypnotherapy is a mother of 4 and located in Ireland. It's essential for Dee to be able to work in the mornings when the kids are at school. Most Hypnotherapy clients prefer an afternoon or evening session. Therefor, we figured her ideal client sits in Australia (due to the time difference). Dee enjoys treating phobias because clients appreciate the incredible outcome after 4 sessions. We chose Cynophobia (the fear of dogs) as Dee's expert niche, since she's had many successes in that field.

If you visit Breeze Hypnotherapy, the main website contains ALL the important information. But the website’s main goal is not to acquire new clients. It's meant to serve as a digital business card when someone is looking for you. We've built a separate landing page to attract clients for Dee's "Fear of Dogs Therapy" in Australia. It contains everything one needs to know about Cynophobia and most importantly how to overcome it. We published the landing page in July. As a result, Dee had bookings for the "Fear of Dogs Therapy" in September.

We've sped up the process with an additional Google Ads campaign to make sure Breeze shows up on Google Australia's first page. Meanwhile, the Hypnotherapy landing page is starting to gain organic (unpaid) reach as well. Not only in Australia, but also in Ireland. If we had focused on Cynophobia around her location in Ireland, we'd be ranking No.1 by now (without paying). But that was not the goal. The goal was for Dee to do the evening sessions for clients in Australia whilst having her morning tea in Ireland. So, she can enjoy the rest of the day with her family.

Hypnotherapy landing page - Breeze Hypnotherapy - Logo, Branding Strategy and Landing Page for Hypnotherapist - Best case examples - Landing Page for Fear of Dogs in Australia -Hypnotherapy Marketing Expert Guide: Learn how to promote or advertise Hypnotherapy - Learn how to get Hypnotherapy clients
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