Hypnotherapy Website vs. Landing Page: Which one works better?
Have you ever heard the term “Balayage”? It’s a freehand highlighting technique used by hairdressers. Balayage is one of the most searched terms on Google for hair. If you’re looking specifically for Balayage, you don’t care about trendy haircuts. Nor hair straightening systems, or extensions. If your search leads you to a landing page showcasing ONLY the best balayage in town, you’re booking.
Does the same method work for your Hypnotherapy biz? You bet!
A landing page is a stand-alone web page created to solve 1 problem.
Two effective ways to plan a killer landing page for your Hypnotherapy business
Imagine you’re an Expert on Hypnotherapy for weight loss, based in London. Here are two ways to attract clients via your landing page:
The direct way:
There is a lot of competition and bidding (Google Ads) for “Hypnotherapy for weight loss.” You’d pay at least £4.53 per click if you tried to target London. Suppose you want to show up without going bankrupt. In that case, your best chance is to rank as relevant for a solution “near me.” You can build, for instance, a landing page for “Hypnotherapy for weight loss in Knightsbridge.”
If you’re already successful on Social Media or YouTube, you have an excellent traffic source for your landing page. Then you don’t necessarily have to focus on the location.
The clever way:
We all know the yo-yo effect; it’s hard to get around it. Your competition focuses on people who want to lose weight. What about those who have lost weight and want to keep it? Let’s look at your ideal client’s journey:
Louisa went through some diet programs and managed to change her eating habits. She’s noticing fallbacks from time to time and googles how to avoid the yo-yo effect. And where does Louisa land? On your landing page! Which is all about maintaining eating habits to prevent the yo-yo effect (with Hypnotherapy).
Narrowing down your focus and reframing your service allows you to bypass the competition. You can reach potential clients beyond your community, perhaps even internationally.
What is the ultimate purpose of your Hypnotherapy landing page?
Your landing page should meet ONE goal, not three or two. That could be, for instance to
- fill out a contact form to get further information
- subscribe to newsletter for a reward in return
- Scheduling a session via software like Calendly
- sign-up for a Zoom group event or online class
To reach another goal, you build a separate landing page. Many landing pages can later also merge into a website.
Landing page comes first: these are 3 good reasons why
- Start testing your idea today.
Don’t spend a big budget on a website that might not work. You need less time and resources to build a landing page. Pick a simple template and adjust it.
- Get higher conversion rates.
Send a clear message to your target audience to reach your first goal. Don’t risk confusing your audience with too many options. - Build a reliable client source.
Drive traffic to your landing page and make it your source of income. Being super specific gives you a chance to show up in Google and stand out on Social Media.
How much money does a successful Hypnotherapy landing page make?
Picture yourself 7 months later. You’re doing a fine job driving targeted traffic to your landing page. Let’s say you have 1000 visitors/month.
- 1 out of 10 signs up for your e-mail list.
That’s +100 new subscribers (potential clients) per month. - 2 out of 100 scheduled immediately, a £150 session.
That’s + £3000 per month via your landing page.